FlashAlert Anti-Robbery/Emergency Alert Network

This is one of the most unique and popular products of Eusomic Nig Ltd. FlashAlert is a powerful security tool that enables a subscriber send out distress signals to security agencies by simply making an unconnected call (flash) to a special number. It also provides security info and helps to track subscribers during travel by road. For more information on how to subscribe to FlashAlert, click here...


This is another unique product that enables subscribers monitor sales in the offices from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. The subscriber can set up multiple locations and monitor the sales going on in all of them simultaneously, from his phone.


This product is for academic institutions and provides an online facility for parents to access and evaluate the academic progress of their wards, while they are in school, from their phones. This app gives online reports on continous assessment, and appraises the performance of the student based on the results of the continous assessment. It also sends such reports by SMS/Email to the parents of the pupils/students.


This app provides facility for online reservation/booking for either travel or hotels for lodging. It is however, not yet available to the public for subscription. Instead, individual organizations such as airlines, transport companies and hotel acquire the software and have it activated for their use.

Past Major Projects:


A client server app developed for retail banking customers. Has an installed client app on the customers' computer and connected via dial up or VSAT link to the server app installed in the bank. Gives online information such as bank statements, balances, supports operations such as stopping cheques, requesting cheque books, applications for overdrafts etc. Implemented on 128-bit SSL security using by PGP. Clients included Equitorial Trust Bank, Wema Bank, Peak Bank, Gateway Bank, Eko International bank, Hallmark Bank, and Fortune International Bank. Period: 2001 - 2007

Telephone Banking:

An Interactive Voice Response System developed to provide a voice/fax request facility for bank customers. Gives response on requests for bank balances, statements and other information via telephone or fax. Later versions supported SMS responses as well as Email responses. Clients: Same as above.

SMS Banking:

An SMS app that delivers responses to bank customers' input via GSM text messages. Implemented on both Web SMS and modem based platforms. Integrates easily with both voice and Web apps, all our voice and web apps have SMS capability.

Internet Banking:

Our company designed and deployed the first indigenously developed internet banking solution with Fortune bank, in 2001. This solution was browser based and had no client app installed anywhere. It gave detailed banking/accounts information to bank customers online. Security was implementated using a 128 bit strong SSL digital certificate from Verisign and Komodo.

NECO Online (2001):

Nigeria's first online national result checker. Developed in 2001, this was a joint venture between our company and Fountain Trust Bank. This online app provided NECO results to students via Voice, Web and SMS. Using a PIN obtained from a scratch card, the student could login and make requests for his results and receive them via voice, SMS or web.

NEPA Online (2003):

Our company developed the first local online system for receiving and paying for electricity bills in Nigeria. It also provided a fault reporting facility, which was SMS driven. This project was launched in partnership with Gateway Bank, and Ikeja Distribution Unit was the flag-off unit.

Electronic Financial Analysis and Survelliance System (eFASS) (2006):

This was a project driven by the CBN mandate to all banks in Nigeria to provide financial reports on all their operations via a Java client to the CBN head office. The data had to be directly extracted from the bank's core banking application, then the output converted as XML documents before being compiled into a Java object for transfer to the Head office via FTP. This was a somewhat challenging project, as it required interfacing our production app with different banking apps: Globus, Finacle, Phoenix, Bank Master, and Flexcube. This project involved 26 banks and discount houses.

Pension Management App (2006):

This app was developed when the government licensed several pension managing companies in the country. These companies approached us for software solutions, and we developed a pension management software to suit their operations. Our company provided solutions to 4 different pension managers.

National General Elections Results Collation/Display (INEC, 2007):

This key project involved the collation of votes cast all over Nigeria in the 2007 general elections, collating the results in a centralized server and displaying the progressing results via a web app on multiple screens. The data capture from the wards and polling centers were captured by SMS. The results from eaching polling unit was posted by the INEC staff in charge to specified server numbers in the head office. The SMS sent by the INEC officals was uniquely structured, each party involved in the elections had a specific code, to distinguish it from others. As the SMS arrived, our app read them into a parser which broke the SMS into the logical components and specified in our app schema file. Thus the result is imported into an Oracle database and displayed via Web reports.

Flight Reservation System (Afrijet airlines, 2009):

This app was developed providing voice, web and SMS channels for customers to make flight reservations. Thus one could book and confirm flights online. The system even provided facility for flight cancellation, reschedule and fare refund.

Guardian Newspaper Archive and Conversion:

This project probably the most tedious project ever, scanning and capturing all the newpapers of the Guardian News from 1983 to 2019. The captured images, well over 3 million in number, were stored in jpg format and OCR was used to capture all the text in them to make searching easy. One could search for a particular news paper or news item in the archive by caption or name of an individual or by date, month or year of publication etc. Also part of the archive was convertable to PDF for emailing to customers who made such requests.

Other general apps:

These include on request solutions such as HR apps, inventory, payroll, hospital and store keeping solutions. Each client has a unique mode of operation, each solution was customized to suit the operational requirements of the organizations
Note: All our products support Web, Voice, SMS and Email interfaces.

Web solutions. SMS solutions. Interactive Voice. Emergency Alert solutions. Financial solutions. Data archiving/conversion
[c] Eusomic Nigeria Ltd 1999 - 2024