Our product base are built on a wide range of technologies, from Microsoft technologies to Sun technologies and other third party tools and development kits. Depending on the requirements of the solution being developed for the client, the appropriate tools and technologies are chosen and deployed, As part of our solutions development, we also interface apps running on different platforms to share data/info. Windows apps can be interfaced to Linux or Unix apps to extract and snychronize data. Our Voice solutions use VBVoice ActiveX tools as well as Dialogic hardware.

Our SMS solutions use both web based SMS techologies and tools, third party SMS ActiveX tools as well as those developed by us. Our data archiving and capture software automatically interface with scanners, digital cameras and mobile phones. Archived data can be stored in binary format, as pdf or any other format specified by the client.

Our software solutions are designed to provide Email, SMS, Voice and Web interfaces and support. You can make inquiries using SMS, Web data forms or by Interactive Voice Request. Simply present us with a wishlist, we will design it!

As our solutions are all online, you can log into the app test area to evaluate the product development process and send amendments to us if needed.







[c] Eusomic Nigeria Ltd 1999 - 2023